
Sandhill Somatic Healing:

Berkley Carnine

Berkley is a resilience coach and somatic healer in the Organic Intelligence® tradition. Organic Intelligence® is a theory and clinical practice based on mind/body connection, nervous system regulation, compassion, and resiliency to resolve the devastating effects of stress, trauma, and PTSD. This somatic practice works with our human biology to increase a sense of capacity, integration, and orientation to pleasure so we can be fully engaged in our lives.

More About Organic Intelligence

A descendant of somatic/body-based therapies, OI integrates psychobiological science, positive psychology, complex systems theory, with mindfulness, image work, and somatic awareness to restore the felt-sense of safety, wellness and wholeness. Rather than focusing on pathology and trauma, OI helps clients connect to and build on innate resilience. OI supports healing from the nervous system up by interrupting harmful patterns related to stress/trauma and redirecting attention and energy toward ease and inherent resource.

I am an approved mentor and practitioner for students in the OI Heart training.

What do sessions look like?

An OI session is a 55 minutes long exploration of what inherent support and resource is available to you in the present moment. Depending on your body’s abilities and what is most supportive we might sit, rest, walk outside, or explore movement. Sessions use image, sensation and somatic tracking, mindfulness, and the free association conversation to integrate previously overwhelming experiences. Over time, this leads to an increased sense of safety and wellbeing. I use guided attention to facilitate the emergence of increased systemic coherence – when all parts of the self work together harmoniously. OI sessions can also include a form of bodywork/ touch work to bring supportive awareness for deeper integration. Virtual/online sessions are also available and in them, we integrate the same practices while incorporating support from your own home. Find a cozy spot near a window, or bring a four-legged friend to join you.

At her Eugene/Kalapuya Territory based practice

Berkley brings tools and support to shift patterns of fight, flight, and freeze to help people live with greater embodiment and sustainably. We build a foundation for integration by orienting to the environment through the senses and by growing our capacity for meaningful and pleasurable experience. Berkley leads workshops on embodied healing for social justice and is available for virtual and in person sessions. She believes everyone deserves wellbeing, dignity, and access to our full spectrum of human experience. Sessions support people in building capacity for connection, responsiveness, love, and joy.

Berkley offers a sliding scale of between 50-150$ based on what you can afford, and discounted rates for 4-6 consecutive weeks of sessions.

Quotes from clients

“I was supported by Berkley’s work during a really stressful and complicated work situation I was in. It was affecting my physical and mental health, but I felt trapped and confused, and unsure of how to respond, react, or interact. When I think back on our sessions now, my prevailing feelings are relief and calm alertness, and also happiness. Berkley helped me reconnect with the current moment I was in, instead of constantly worrying about the past or future. She really helped me get some balance back as I worked to approach that situation, and our work together helped me to ultimately make the decisions I needed to get unstuck.”—Julia

“Doing somatic therapy with Berkley was the first time I asked for help with healing for my mental and emotional well being. Doing somatic therapy allowed me to find tools that I didn’t realize I had for acknowledging my emotions and anxiety. The time I spent with Berkley has helped me build my resilience for difficult interpersonal and personal situations, as well as to feel more at home with myself! I am so grateful for Berkley’s practice and for the opportunity to find tools that help me be more in my body and be more present to life.”—Ashley

Curious to learn more? Book a free consultation by texting 541-505-6301.